
This is our site, BlackBox-RepackGames. By accessing or using our website, you acknowledge and agree to the following disclaimer: By accessing or using our website, you acknowledge and agree to the following disclaimer:

Content Disclaimer

BlackBox-RepackGames does not accept responsibility as your primary source of information or as a substitute for your personal healthcare professional advice. While our primary focus is on keeping the information fresh and reliable, we do not accept any representations or warranty of any kind, be it expressed or implied, regarding the comprehensiveness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, and timeliness of the information contained on the website. Please, kindly take note that any use or reliance that you place on this info involves risks, and we assume no responsibility for any consequences of that.

Game Reviews and Recommendations

The reviews and comments presented on BlackBox-RepackGames are evident opinions of our knowledgeable employees and contributors to the company. Our critical reviews mimic unbiased and objective assessment but in the end, these reviews are subjective and should be treated as such. We also would not want to have the same experience with a game as our reviewers did; accepting the fact that your experience may turn out different

External Links

It may happen that our website possibly lines with third-party websites or services, not under the administration of BlackBox-RepackGames. We disclaim any responsibility or guarantee of truthfulness, as well as of privacy security, used on third-party websites. You are advised and recommended to familiarize yourself with their terms of use and privacy policies before commencing any intercourse.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances will BlackBox-RepackGames and its affiliates be responsible for any kind of indirect, consequential, or incidental damages about the use of our websites. Even though we mentioned these possibilities, this will not be considered as the basis of our responsibility.

Changes to This Disclaimer

We reserve the power to revise or upgrade this disclaimer without prior notice Any amendments will be effective on this site’s updated version thus spreading the information without any delay. Your continuous use of our website as well as other kind of our online services after any such changes constitutes you to be accustomed to the updated disclaimer.

Contact Us

Let us know if you have questions or uncertainties about the terms and conditions by writing to us at faranfani@surfeden.com